Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What have I learnt?
I have learnt how to generate ideas, focus on ideas. I have also learnt how to think critically. I would have to re-look into my product repeatedly. I would need to think about the needs of my product and improve on my product. I also knew how to sketch out the detailed parts of our product. The main thing that I learnt was how to just start off with an idea and slowly develop it into a real life product. It was applying what we have learn from the first semester. The sketching, the idea generating and focusing tools all helped when I was developing my idea. 
What are the difficulties that I encountered?
In my design process of my product, I had to “crash” my first product idea. I decided to crash it because it was not feasible for me. This also allowed me to think critically. What went wrong when I designed my first product? My mistake was that I attempted to do something with technology that was not within my means. 
How do I overcome them?
In the end, I had to come up with another product. However, I did not want to waste the research that I did beforehand, therefore, I made another product, still, for the same need. This time round, I came up with something to hook the bed sheets out instead of pushing them out. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reflection - Prototype

1. What are the difficulties that you have encountered during the process?

I have some difficulties deciding about the joints that I want to use in my ADMT. I am also not very sure of my dimensions. 

2. How do you overcome the difficulties encountered?

I will research more about the different joints that are on the market and will see if which is the most suitable for me. For the dimensions, I will have to plan more about it and attempt to scale it down. 

3. What are the 2 key takeaways for this lesson?

Our design considerations must be as specific as possible. 
We will have to decided whether it is measurable or not and obtain evidence to prove my design consideration. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

T3WK4 - Ergonomics (Product Description and Idea Trigger)

Picture of the product
i) Describe the product. (Appearance, Color, Function, etc)
The product is easily scale removal plane. It is convenient to remove the scales of  a fish. Its texture is smooth and comes in orange and white colours. One can put two fingers in the holes and use to clean the scales of a fish.

ii) What are the design considerations when designing this product?

It must be waterproof and must be sharp enough to get rid of the scales of fish.

iii) Would an elderly faced difficulty using this product? If yes, what are the difficulties that the elderly would face?
An elderly would face difficulty in using this product. The elderly might not be able to stuff his fingers into the holes.

My improved version:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ergonomics 2

1. What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment, and workplace to fit the worker.

2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?

The 5 aspects of Ergonomics are safety, comfort, ease of use, productivity/performance and aesthetics. 

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

Safety- Sign boards, especially in car parks. The sign boards must be clear and big so that the elderly will understand the directions and will not need to risk getting knocked down by a car.

Comfort- The grip of the medicine bottles should be design in a way that the elderly can grip it easily and firmly so that the elderly will not spill the contents or pills in the bottle. 

Ease of use-Grab bars in the toilets must be to the ease of the elderly to use so that they will not slip in the toilet.

Productivity/Performance-The trolley that the elderly always use whenever they go to the market. It must not require a lot of effort for the elderly to push the trolley.

Aesthetics-For aesthetics would be the adjustable back,arm and head rest to suit and adapt to the sitting posture of the elderly so that will not hurt the back of the elderly.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ergonomics 1- Question 4

4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?

We need to accommodate to the user's comfort and needs and benefit the company and the worker. Increase productivity of the work.

Ergonomics I

1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.

The person at the 1st workplace have difficulties in adjusting the height of the chair to suit himself at the table. He also had some difficulties finding a comfortable distance from the chair to the table as he is fidgeting. The person at the 2nd workplace is comfortable with his chair as he can lean back on the chair when he is typing. It seems to be a comfortable distance from the chair to the table. The metal part of the chair allow the person to lean back easily.

The person at the 1st workplace also had trouble reading the monitor's screen. He could not move the monitor on the table nearer to him. The person at the 2nd workplace could make use the monitor's arm to adjust the distance of the monitor nearer to him. It allows comfort for the 2nd person as he does not need to scrunch his eyes just to read off the monitor.

The 1st person could not find the perfect lighting for him. It is either too glaring or too dim. The design of the lights focused the lights onto the person's face while the lights at the 2nd person's workplace focused the lights at the object. Hence, the 2nd person would not have to endure the glaring light while still have sufficient light to see. 

The chair at the 1st person's workplace does not allow the person to move freely. He almost spilled his drink onto himself. The chair at the 2nd person's workplace has a adjustable armrest so that the person can move the armrest down when he is not using it. He will not have to worry that he will knock into the armrest. When he needs a support for his arms, then he will lift the armrest up. The design of the armrest allows the user to use armrest when needed without the armrest being a nuisance when it is not needed.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Last Observation

I am going to do my observation on the uncle who sells newspaper. Uncle always has to wake up at 5am. Then he will go to his booth. Normally, he will have to wait until about 5.30am before the newspaper are delivered. Some newspapers are even later. As Uncle was rather fit, he was able to lift the huge stack of newspaper from the ground to the table. So. generally, Uncle's routine is just wake up, got to booth, arrange the newspaper (including lifting) and sell the newspapers. I think the part that I can help him is the lifting. Although he is rather fit, he is still an elderly. I might want to help him to design something that can help him do the lifting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My observation 3

This time, I am doing my observation about the old uncle who is working at the vegetable stall at the market. He wakes up every day 4.30am and work to about 12.30pm. He will go to the stall and start to pick the vegetables. As he is rather old, he will have some difficulties carrying the vegetables from the lorry  to the stall. Even with the help of the trolley, he still seemed to need help.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My floorplan for elderly

This is a floorplan for elderly. As you can see, most of the furniture are by the side to prevent the elderly from falling.

This is the bed.

This is the toilet. There will be hand rails inside for the elderly and non-slip tiles.

This is the door.

This is the dining table. I positioned near the stove so that if the elderly cooked hot soup, they would not have to walk very far.

This is the stove. The green box is the refrigerator where the elderly can put all the groceries in.

My (late) observations 1 and 2

Observation 1
I choose my grandmother to be the elderly in the limelight. As my grandmother saved up quite a bit of money when she was young so her elderly life is not that difficult. As my grandmother fell down 2 years ago, it has restricted her walking now. She can walk without the walking aid but it will be more comfortable for her with it. In my grandmother's house, most of the furniture are all by the side. The others are mostly movable. The toilets have the non-slippery tiles to prevent my grandmother to slip and fall again. So, the main point is to prevent my grandmother to fall.

Observation 2
How my grandmother does her daily routines

Before she fell down, she will walk to the back of my aunt's house which is 2 apartments away to pluck the chilli padi. Then she will start to prepare to go the market. At 8, she will cook for my uncles. After that, then she will start the household chores.

After she fell down, she will wake up later. Then she will ask my cousin to go to the market to buy groceries. Then she will start to cook.

Before my grandmother fell down, she was a person who likes to travel or just go out. Now, she will not go out as often as before unless somebody is driving a car. We still play mahjong with her to prevent her from getting dementia. So, after she fell down, her life did not change much as she would still be willing to go out.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Holiday work - Part 1: Understanding "The Elderly Challenge"

  • Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
  • Housing for seniors, accessibility for seniors, caring for seniors and opportunities for seniors.
  • State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly
  • We can provide the elderly with more choices of housing by giving different length of land leases.
  • State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable.
  • We can try to make sure that the food prices do not increase too much.
  • We can try to provide some fun activities for the elderly that will not need the elderly to spend a lot of money.
  • After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges
  • I can help out in elderly centers.
  • I can donate money to the elderly.
  • I can help by doing charity fairs to help elderly.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Reflection (NEwater visit)

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?
The 3 key takeaways from today's visit are about the reservoirs in Singapore, the treatment process of the NEWater and the technology involved in the process.

2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.
I have learnt about ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.
Ultrafiltration uses a "case-like" thing to purify the water.
Reverse osmosis is like a thin string which has a lot of pores that only allow water molecules to pass through.

3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?
The interesting thing that I have learnt today is that if the pores in reverse osmosis is the size of a tennis ball, a water molecule will be like a ping pong ball. A mineral would be a soccer ball. A virus would be the size of a truck and a bacteria would be the size of the water plant.

4. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?
I can help by carrying out the 3Rs. I can use the water after washing the rice to water the plants.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


These photos are the photos taken from my korean trip last december!
We went to climb a mountain which they consider as small but I seem so small... Me taking a picture with a teddy in the teddy bear museum, and the third picture with my mother with another bear!
Me and my mother hugging together to take a picture in the snow!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photography (Research and Findings)

1) Different types of photography
Sports photography, underwater photography, landscape photography, animal photography, aerial photography and portrait photography(taken from http://www.dpdigest.com/types-photography/)
2) Equipments
an individual needs a camera that allows them to set manual controls and change lenses(taken from http://www.ehow.com/video_5116558_kind-equipment-needed-do-photography_.html)
3) Aperture
The aperture stop of a photographic lens can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or image sensor. In combination with variation of shutter speed, the aperture size will regulate the film's degree of exposure to light. Typically, a fast shutter speed will require a larger aperture to ensure sufficient light exposure, and a slow shutter speed will require a smaller aperture to avoid excessive exposure.(taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperture#In_photography)
4) Focus

Center Focus will focus on the center of the frame.

Multi Focus automatically selects between a number of AF frames and focuses on the most contrasty subject closest to the center of the frame. For example, if your main subject (i.e. the subject you want to be in focus) stands beside some other object (behind or in front of your main subject) of greater contrast, the camera will focus on the latter object and your main subject will be out of focus. So, if you use Multi Focus as your default focus mode, this may explain why many of your shots are out of focus.

Area Focus deserves some explanation. I believe it is a focus mode that few uses, but there are certain situations where Area Focus is perfectly suited for and can help you capture a sharply focused shot where the other focus modes fail.(taken from http://www.photoxels.com/tutorials/tutorial-area-focus/)

5) Shutter Speed

In photography, shutter speed is a common term used to discuss exposure time, the effective length of time a shutter is open;[2] the total exposure is proportional to this exposure time, or duration of light reaching the film or image sensor. Shutter speed is one of several methods used to control the amount of light recorded by the camera's digital sensor or film. It is also used to manipulate the visual effects of the final image beyond its luminosity. (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shutter_speed)

6) ISO speed
The speed of a film is the measure of how fast it responds to light. A low ISO speed means a film responds slowly to light, a fast ISO speed means the film responds quickly. Those silver squares you see on the film casing tell the camera what the film's ISO speed is (for cameras that can read them). (taken from http://www.great-landscape-photography.com/iso-speed.html)
7) Metering

The way to correctly meter a sunset is to meter on a small part of the sky away from the sun, any part of the sky that you want properly exposed, and then use those exposure settings while taking a picture of the sky with the sun (or other very bright parts of the sky) in it.

This technique requires that the camera either has some kind of exposure-lock (meaning you can lock the exposure settings while you move the camera to a different part of the sky), or that it has manual exposure.

The picture below illustrates this technique. It is important to remember this if you consider yourself a beginner, because you need to use this technique for many weather subjects! I will call this technique manual metering for the sake of reference. Not only does it apply to taking pictures that need to be properly exposed when a bright object is in the picture, but also to pictures with a large dark area in the picture that you want to keep dark on the photo (e.g. a photo of surface fog taken during the night). (taken from http://www.weatherscapes.com/techniques.php?cat=general&page=metering)

8) White Balance

This is where the concept of "White Balance" comes in. If we can tell the camera which object in the room is white and supposed to come out white in the picture, the camera can calculate the difference between the current colour temperature of that object and the correct colour temperature of a white object. And then shift all colours by that difference.

Most advanced digital cameras therefore provide the feature to manually set the white balance.

By pointing the camera at a white or gray card (angled so that it is reflecting light from the room) as a neutral reference, filling the screen completely with it, then pressing the White Balance button (or set it in the menu), the camera does its WB calculation.

From then on, any picture taken will have its colour temperature shifted appropriately. It's quite simple, really, and you should not be afraid to try it out and see your indoors pictures improve considerably (assuming there is enough light for correct exposure).

[A "neutral" gray is 18% gray and will reflect all colors equally.]

9) Composition (Rules)

The Rule of Thirds is based on the fact that the human eye is naturally drawn to a point about two-thirds up a page. Crop your photo so that the main subjects are located around one of the intersection points rather than in the center of the image:

Golden Section rule

It has been found that certain points in a picture's composition automatically attract the viewer's attention. Similarly, many natural or man-made objects and scenes with certain proportions (whether by chance or by design) automatically please us. Leonardo da Vinci investigated the principle that underlies our notions of beauty and harmony and called it the Golden Section. Long before Leonardo, however, Babylonian, Egyptian, and ancient Greek masters also applied the Golden Section proportion in architecture and art.

To get a clearer sense of these special "Golden" composition points, imagine a picture divided into nine unequal parts with four lines. Each line is drawn so that the width of the resulting small part of the image relates to that of the big part exactly as the width of the whole image relates to the width of the big part. Points where the lines intersect are the "golden" points of the picture

Diagonal rule

One side of the picture is divided into two, and then each half is divided into three parts. The adjacent side is divided so that the lines connecting the resulting points form a diagonal frame. According to the Diagonal Rule, important elements of the picture should be placed along these diagonals

(taken from http://www.colorpilot.com/comp_rules.html)

10) Techniques
Aerial Photography, Astrophotography, Bokeh,Contre-jour, Cross processing, Cyanotype, Digiscoping, Film developing,Full spectrum photography, Harris Shutter, High dynamic range imaging,High speed photography, Image fusion, Infrared photography, Kinetic photography, Kite aerial photography, Lead room, Light painting, Lith-Print,Macro photography, Micrography, or Photomicrography, Monochrome Photography, Motion blur, Night photography, Panning, Panoramic photography, Photogram, Photograph conservation, Photographic mosaic,Photographic print toning, Push printing, Push processing,Rephotography, Rollout photography, Sabatier Effect, Schlieren photography, Stereoscopy, Sun printing, Tilted plane focus, Time-lapse,Ultraviolet photography, Wide dynamic range, Zoom burs ( taken from wikipedia)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Difference between Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing

Isometric Drawing- It is a method of visually representing three dimension objects in a two dimension form. The scale along each axis of the projection is the same. This form of art is commonly used in technical and engineering drawings.

Oblique Drawing - Also known as oblique projection, this simple form of drawing is produced by making use of parallel lines. These lines would project an image by intersecting parallel rays. It is unsuitable for formal,working drawings. However, it is commonly used in furniture illustrations.

Orthographic Drawing- axonometric pictorials. It shows an image of an object viewed from a skew and crooked direction, and is often used to approximate graphical perspective projections. Multiview orthographic projection provides up to six views of an object, and gives enough information to make a 3-D object.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


The environment
1.The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings
2.The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community.
Hence, the environment is the conditions or the society that affects a person or the decisions he/she makes.

(points 1 and 2 taken from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/environment)
(points 3 and 4 taken from http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/environment)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lesson 1

What does ADMT means to you?
It means the future to me as it is helping us to improve the world.
What are the attitude that an ADMT student should have?
An ADMT student should have have a positive attitude to work and persevere even if your design or work is being reject.
What are your aspiration as an ADMT student?
I hope to be able to design and actually make a robot.
How do you think you can achieve your aspiration?
I can pay attention to what the teacher says and strive to be the best in my work.